Report a Violation
Complaints Public Records Comments Oppose a Permit
The Louisiana Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control (ATC) encourages input from concerned citizens of Louisiana pertaining to any potential violation of The Louisiana Alcoholic Beverage Control Law and Regulations contained in Title 26 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes and Part VII of Title 55 of the Louisiana Administrative Code.
The ATC complaint line is manned during business hours by the Administrative Enforcement Division located in Louisiana State Police Headquarters in Baton Rouge. A recorded message is available 24/7 (225.925.4070) to record alleged violations. All information received from a complainant remains confidential. ATC agents will respond to a citizen complaint within two business days and may contact a complainant for additional information relating to suspected violations.
ATC’s mission is to maintain the integrity of Louisiana's alcoholic beverage and tobacco industries through effective regulation that promotes responsible business practices and the prevention of access to underage persons. All information provided by involved Louisiana citizens relating to practices that could potentially obstruct this mission is much appreciated by the entire agency.
To submit a complaint, use one of the methods below:
- Phone: (225) 925-4070
- Submit Online Complaint: CLICK HERE
- Email: [email protected]
Method of Access:
Requests are made online below or by sending ATC Public Records Request Form(s) to:
Custodian of Records
Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control
PO Box 66404
Baton Rouge, LA 70896-6404
General: The Louisiana Office of Alcohol & Tobacco Control (ATC) processes public records requests during regular business hours each business day. The Louisiana Public Records Law is La. R.S. 44.1 et seq.
Requirements: All requests for copies of ATC public records must be completed using the Public Records Request Form and must comply with the following:
- Include the name of the person requesting the public record.
- Include the list of clearly identified ATC public records being requested.
- Requests for ATC public records can now be made ONLINE. Click on the link below.
Click here to submit a record request online. Note: You must be a registered portal user to request records online.
ATC's Response to Request:
ATC will notify all requestors, within three days (exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public holidays) of the status of the request. The requestor will be notified of the applicable fees due. See “Fees” below.
Upon receipt of applicable fees, public records are available to the requestor.
If payment is not received within 10 days after notice is sent by ATC to the requestor, it may be necessary for the requestor to initiate a new request.
ATC Public Records Fees: The Uniform Fee Schedule for copies of public records is published in the Louisiana Administrative Code at LAC 4:I.301.
Opposition to Issuance of a Permit
In accordance with the authority provided by Louisiana Revised Statutes 26:92, 93C, 289, and/or 290B; an Individual may request that the Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control conduct an administrative hearing to determine whether an application(s) for state alcoholic beverage permit(s) should be denied or withheld.